Respiratory protective devices-Compressed air line breathing apparatus for use with a full face mask, half mask or a mouthpiece assembly-Requirements, testing, marking. 呼吸保护装置。与全罩式面罩、半罩式面罩或口罩一起使用的压缩空气导管呼吸装置。要求、试验和标志。
Objective To investigate the expression of human respiratory syncytial virus gene M2 1 ( RSV M2 1) in human lung adenocarcinoma PAa cell line. 目的探讨外源性呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)M21基因在人肺腺癌PAa细胞中获得稳定表达的可行性。
Design and application of fix device for anesthesia respiratory circle and monitoring line 麻醉呼吸管路与监护管线固定装置的研制与应用
Influenza virus-induced respiratory tract infection when the line belongs to Chinese medicine the scope of a cold temperature and wind. 流感病毒引发的呼吸道感染属于中医时行感冒和风温的范畴。